Emergency Medical Evacuation Insurance
If while traveling you become seriously injured or ill and require Emergency Medical Evacuation back to hospital facilities near your home, the costs can become astronomical. But there is good news. Low cost Emergency Medical Evacuation insurance from your choice of six outstanding companies is just a click away... Looking for answers to your questions?... click on Latest Information
IMG Sky RescueProvides travelers with comprehensive Emergency Medical Evacuation.
Medex SafetripEmergency evacuation, repatriation, and worldwide travel assistance for persons traveling 100 or more miles away from home.
International SOS Assistance, Inc- Emergency evacuation and repatriation coverage to $1,000,000 USD
- Members have access to western-style medicine with 21 international clinics and a network of International SOS approved doctors and hospitals.
- 29 Alarm centers staffed with physicians and multi-lingual staff, with security professionals in their London, Philadelphia and Singapore offices so members always have 24-hour access to help.
- Maintains it's own fleet of air ambulances and a global network of charter planes for evacuation
- 85% of Fortune 2000 companies choose International SOS when sending employees abroad.
Emergency Medical Evacuation provides worldwide emergency medical transportation benefits up to $1,000,000 USD

Remember, if you have questions, you may e-mail me, Warren Peterson, or telephone toll free (in U.S. 1-800-584-3512) (U.K. 0.800.404.7765) (Local or outside of U.S. 425-778-8628)