Visitor - Immigrant Health and Medical Insurance
Visitor - Immigrant medical insurance plans are designed as medical insurance options for visitors and immigrants coming to the U.S. These plans provide medical and other benefits in the event of an accident or illness. To view the individual plan descriptions for policy details and premiums, "click" on the plans shown below.
There are basically two types of programs available... the first are comprehensive plans where benefits payable are based upon a deductible and co-insurance. Examples are the Medex "TravMed Choice Inbound" and the "Visit USA-HealthCare" plans. Your choice of deductibles range from $100 to $1,000 and maximum benefits from $50,000 to $500,000 with limitations based upon the age of the applicant. After the deductible has been met, benefits are paid at 80 percent of the first $5,000 and then 100 percent of the remaining qualified expenses up to the selected maximum.
The second type are designed as economy versions. These are "scheduled benefit" programs which means that there are maximum benefits payable for each specified medical service provided such as an office call, a surgery and a daily hospital allowance. The insured is responsible for a deductible but not for a co-insurance payment. Examples of these low cost programs include Seven Corners","Inbound Guest", "Inbound Immigrant", "Inbound USA" and IMG's "Visitors Care". You are offered a choice of deductibles and maximum benefits.

Remember, if you have questions, you may e-mail me, Warren Peterson, or telephone toll free (in U.S. 1-800-584-3512) (U.K. 0.800.404.7765) (Local or outside of U.S. 425-778-8628)
" target="_blank">"Inbound USA